Unraveling: Healing from Religious Trauma & Abuse , 6- Week Group

Date: Tuesdays, June 11th-July 16th at 7 pm

Location: Online (participants must be in KS, MO or FL)

Cost: $150 for 6 weeks, ($25/session -some scholarships may be available)

Have you experienced religious trauma, spiritual abuse, clergy sexual abuse, or are unraveling being part of a community where these things have occurred? If so, you might feel disoriented and uncertain where to start. This 6-week group is designed to help you begin to name and identify your experience, learn about religious trauma and its impact, find stabilization in the middle of the unraveling, and lean into the support of others on similar journeys in a safe environment.

Contact Pamela for more info or to sign up:

913-667-9850 or


Read more below about the impact of spiritual abuse. You deserve the support and resources that you need to heal!

What is spiritual abuse?

Spiritual abuse is a profound violation of trust and well-being that occurs within the context of religious or spiritual communities. It encompasses a wide range of behaviors and actions that exploit, manipulate, or harm individuals emotionally, psychologically, or physically in the name of spirituality or faith.

The impact of spiritual abuse can be devastating and long-lasting, affecting individuals on multiple levels:

  1. Emotional Trauma: Spiritual abuse often involves manipulation and control tactics that induce feelings of guilt, shame, and worthlessness in victims. They may experience intense fear, anxiety, and confusion about their beliefs and identity. These emotional wounds can persist even after the individual has left the abusive environment.

  2. Psychological Damage: Victims of spiritual abuse may suffer from a range of psychological issues, including depression, PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), anxiety disorders, and low self-esteem. The constant gaslighting and invalidation of their experiences can lead to a distorted sense of reality and self-doubt.

  3. Loss of Trust: Spiritual abuse can erode trust not only in the abuser but also in religious or spiritual institutions as a whole. Victims may struggle to trust others, including authority figures and even their own judgment. This loss of trust can hinder their ability to form healthy relationships and engage in spiritual practices in the future.

  4. Spiritual Crisis: For many victims, spiritual abuse shatters their faith and belief system. They may experience a profound crisis of faith, struggling to reconcile their traumatic experiences with their understanding of God. This existential turmoil can lead to feelings of spiritual emptiness, isolation, and despair.

  5. Physical Health Effects: The stress and trauma resulting from spiritual abuse can manifest in physical symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, digestive issues, and chronic pain. Prolonged exposure to stress hormones can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of various health problems.

  6. Social Isolation: Victims of spiritual abuse may face social ostracism and rejection if they choose to speak out against their abusers or leave their religious community. They may lose their support networks, including friends and family members who remain loyal to the abuser or the institution. This isolation can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and alienation.

  7. Difficulty in Recovery: Recovering from spiritual abuse can be a long and arduous process. It often requires professional therapy, support groups, and a gradual rebuilding of one's sense of self and spirituality. Many survivors struggle with feelings of anger, grief, and betrayal as they come to terms with their experiences and work towards healing and reclaiming their autonomy.

Free Info Meeting:

Sunday, May 19th @ 7 pm CT

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 669 202 5428
Passcode: 333580